First Post! My Math Background

Hello Readers!

If you are reading this, clearly you are at least a little bit interested in math and/or teaching. As a elementary math teaching major, I am learning what it means to be a teacher in one of my favorite subjects. However, I did not reach the decision to become a math teacher on my own. Instead, it took all my years through school and my first year at college to finally make that decision, but I feel that it was the right decision.

As I grew up, I always loved school. School was where I got to broaden my knowledge and see the many friends I had made in my life. Every year, I would never be able to pick a favorite subject, so when asked, I would just say, "all of them." However, on the inside, I believe that my math classes were at least a top contender for Eddie's Favorite Subject, since I truly had some amazing teachers in those classes. Shout out to both Mr. Conklins in the Mattawan School District, because it was through them that I learned about my proficiency in the subject. In my personal opinion, while I find math fun, it was the teachers that drove me to declare my major as a math teacher.

Another thing that inspired me to declare the mathematics education major was my coursework from my freshman year of high school. Since I took some Honors College courses and took quite a few different exploratory classes, I did not take any math courses. As a result, I felt a little lost and did not have much structure to my classes. Something felt missing from my education. I took it as a sign when, in a University Studies class, a quiz told me that I would do well in education, something that my friends and family had been telling me for years.

This is a bit of a short blog entry, but as I somewhat struggle to explain my math background, I have run out of things to describe about my past.

Thanks for your time, and I hope you will drop by again.


  1. Hi Eddie,

    Great post! I could never be a math teacher so props to you. I agree that teachers make a world of a difference when learning. I too, only enjoy learning when I enjoy the teacher.

    Rachel Kania

  2. I like how you added your own twist of things into your first blog post. Instead of saying your experiences in each of your math classes you explained how teacher got you there and what made you take that final step to decide to become an educator. Maybe talk about which classes got you to where you are and why you decided to choose to teach math, not what others said to make you decide to go along this path.

  3. As you point out, it's short and could use more for complete. It's interesting to find teaching from a quiz. What made that feel valid to you? What has confirmed it since? Why elementary teaching instead of secondary? (In the last paragraph you mean freshman year of GVSU?)

    clear, coherent, content, consolidated +
    complete - see note
    Cs 4/5


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